13 January, 2016

Mark your calendars

Comeuppance has a publication date! 

On Friday, February 12th, I will publish Comeuppance to Amazon.com and Smashwords (and it's subsequent distribution branches).

Please check back here until then for some goodies I'll be putting out soon!

After a premonition warns her of a great, rising evil, Lady Hurst knows she has to do something – but to fight evil on the side of good, she must first do a great evil. As the resident witch doctor of Arthurfield, WV, she is tasked with keeping her role in the world as neutral as possible.

So when a grieving mother comes calling with her ghostly son, Jacob, in tow, Lady Hurst accepts the contract to exact revenge. Her problem now, though, is that Jacob has taken up residence in Lady Hurst's townhouse, and he's equally eager to do his murderer in. Should Jacob become corporeal before Lady Hurst can complete her contract, she may find the stakes are higher than she can handle . . .

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Ash Litton

Ash Litton is a writer and lover of sci-fi, fantasy, and all things fictional. She is the author of Thoroughbred, Evening Hallow, Comeuppance, and Cabover Cabaret, and works on other Appalachian Dream Tales between her ongoing novel projects. She's also written No Diet, No Surgery, No Sweat, an ebook chronicling her weight-loss journey.

When she's not writing, she's drawing, and when she's not doing either of those, she's dreaming up new projects to work on. Born and raised in rural West Virginia, Ash has always wondered what things lay hidden in the hills around her. She attended West Virginia University, where she studied the English language before returning home to her family in rural West Virginia.